Derby Pub Crawl

The old Derby Mile is dead, long live the Love Derby Mile

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Start. Five Lamps

Our pub crawl starts in the Five Lamps, a little pub on the edge of town on Duffield Road. Runner up in the Derby Food and Drink Awards in 2009 and featured in the Good Beer Guide from 2012 to 2015. They offer an astonishing 14 real ales. There’s a friendly, relaxed atmosphere which makes it a great place to start the crawl.

2. The Seven Stars

Walk out the front of the Five Lamps and down the road towards Derby passing the petrol station on your right. After about 200 metres you will come across the Seven Stars, a traditional pub inside and out, you’ll get nothing but a warm welcome here.

3. The Flowerpot

Again, leave the way you went in and follow the road down towards town, you should see the Flower Pot in front of you on the corner. Famous on the live music scene, the Flower Pot has been hosting the likes of the For Fighters and Clone Roses for years, I saw my first ever Metallica cover here and they were excellent! There’s plenty of real ale and a great beer garden to boot.

4. The Blessington Carriage (Or the Bless)

Come out the front of the Flowerpot and turn left and left again down Chapel Street, about 20 metres down you will find the Bless on your left. I spent many a night in the Bless, dancing to the Clone Roses’s inspiration and Joy Division. Great pub with a great vibe and always some interesting drinks offers. Head to the back bar to get cheaper mixers.


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